I have dedicated my life to providing and protecting basic rights and opportunities for all Texans. As a State Senator, I have been a leader on issues regarding K-12 public education, higher education, criminal justice, public safety, healthcare, and business and economic development to name a few.
Thank you for electing me as your State Senator for Senate District 23. Join me as we continue to fight for a Texas which provides opportunity for all.
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Meet Royce West
Royce West has dedicated his life to providing and protecting basic rights and opportunities for all Texans.
Senator West advocated with parents and teachers to achieve world-class education for students, championed criminal justice reform, supported workers seeking fair wages, and advocated for common-sense gun legislation like banning assault weapons and having universal background checks. Royce promoted and defended women’s reproductive rights, stood with immigrant rights communities for comprehensive immigration reform, and marched with students seeking fair voting rights. He also championed expansion of healthcare opportunities for Texans and provided subsidized foster care alternatives to grandparents, as well as other family members.
What Royce Has Done for Our Community
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